A stroke is a medical condition that results when blood does not flow to an area of the brain, causing permanent damage to the cells. A stroke can vary in magnitude, depending on the size and location of the affected area. The outcome of a stroke is also highly variable, and can range from mild and temporary cognitive and physical changes, to life altering and permanent conditions. These outcomes include paralysis, loss of muscle function, incontinence, difficulty speaking and eating, cognitive deficits, and in some cases death.
According to the World Stroke Organization, 1 in 4 people will experience a stroke in their lifetime. Heart and Stroke Canada reports that instances of stroke continue to rise in Canada, with approximately 89,000 reported cases per year.
Strokes are the leading cause of disability in adults in Canada. It is estimated that approximately 300,000 Canadians are currently living with the effects of a stroke. These individuals face a number of complications, for which they may seek out rehabilitative services.
As neurological research continues to advance, emerging technologies like DigiBot, designed to assist stroke survivors, will be increasingly be incorporated into treatment plans. It is our hope, that through continued research and innovation, future generations will hold solutions to remedy and recover the losses experienced by stroke survivors.